From All Poets to All of Chemistry

28 Feb

And this is how it’s always going to go:
you will be more precious than most things.
You will be my Sun and my understanding
will hold like wax feathers against the force of your brightness.
You will be incredible beyond belief
and I will be mystified by you. You will be the abandoned playground
I will keep looking back behind my shoulder at;
like a shadow in the forest when the fugitive flees,
like a slap of soles on a concrete walk,
the kind that can only be made by invisible bullies.
What can I do to stave off my own bewilderment?
How can I hold off something as persistent as fear?
I do not know how to not be afraid of you and what you can do,
how to not be as confused by you as I am.
What you must allow yourself to mean
to so many other unsuspecting individuals like myself.

And then again you are like the sunset, in the scenery
where I have seas, oceans, a whole continent of sand before me —
as inescapable as the future, as impossible to touch as space.
I can only sigh in wonder when I behold you from afar.
Up close — and I will probably stutter.
You are more intricate than you have any right to be,
and here I am reduced to so many words
in an attempt to justify my feelings for you.
What can I say? That I love you
but I am not the best one to love you?
That I love you only as far as you confuse me?
That I love you and I will toil after this love,
long after I have exhausted myself, long after the love
has turned bitter and bland, long after I realize
that my passion is borne out of fear?
How do I love you, when I must know it,
when I am sure of it, when I see it as clearly as fact —
that it is not love that you need?

Here are some verses about you. Here are some words about you.
Perhaps this is not your language
but I do not know how else to feel for you, to react to you,
other than to rouse up a couple of sentiments that will prove
ultimately pointless. It is incredible – both the depth of my feelings
and their ineffectuality.

Just the words of an artist for science.  

Love.  I know you will never read this.

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